Which email to submit the 265 "Vodafone InfoDok" pdf form

Dear Forum,

To get access to the Vodafone phone by email, the support person have sent me the 265 "Vodafone InfoDok" to fill.

Now after filling, I do not know where to send it, which email?


Can someone please help me understand how I can submit this doc online to Vodafone?



1 Antwort 1

Hi @Heiko441,


You can use the contact form you got as well. I will help you. Smiley (fröhlich)

But you should fill out this form (InfoDok 265) before. With that form you change your customer password by your own. But it's only in German. 


If you on the contact form website then do as follows (the red stars in the form are a must have!):

  • Choose "Nein, ich habe eine andere ...." (the second one)
  • Then choose "CallYa", then "Registrierung & Nutzung"
  • Press "Nein, weiter im Kontaktformular" on the right side (column)
  • Press "Weiter ohne Login" on the right side (column) then.
  • There you fill out the form with your data name, surname, email, mobile phone number (Vodafone Rufnummer) etc.
  • Important: write a fictive password in form row "Kunden- oder Teilnehmerkennwort". Otherwise you can't send the form to Vodafone. Don't ask me why but only with it works.
  • You can also write a personal message in the box "Persönliche Nachricht". 
  • Then upload your filled out InfoDok form as a file (with "Datei hinzufügen" box), do the captcha code and press "Weiter" (right bottom).
  • Check the summary and then send it to Vodafone

Within 3-4 days your customer password should be changed and you'll get a SMS about it.