am 06.04.2021 11:49
I have a Vodafone RED contract, and have been on it for a few months.
The only issue I have, is that I am unable to call family overseas (not in the EU).
I have tried going through the 'Mein Vodafone' app, but cannot find anywhere, where I can resolve it through that app.
I have also tried calling 1212, announcing 'Operator' - with no answer. I have stayed on the call for 20min waiting for an answer - yet nothing. This, even after a few attempts.
Would anyone be able to assist?
am 07.04.2021 12:59
Hi Identity_DE_ZA,
I´ll have a look at your number.
So please send it to me via DM including your password (Kundenkennwort).
am 30.12.2021 15:51
I am having a similar issue. I called several times - first operator hung up, second didn't speak English and the third said it was solved - but I still cannot make international calls (EU calls!). I am trying to call EU numbers, which is included in my fees.
am 31.12.2021 16:46
Hi StefanBFC,
let's have a look at it. Please send me a private message with your mobile number and your customer password (alternatively name, address and birth date of the contract owner).
am 07.01.2022 22:33
Hi, I've replied to the private messages for details, is there any progress or anything else I can try?
When traveling abroad I cannot call back to Germany (only in whatever country I am in), I cannot call family who lives abroad... if there aren't solutions please advise on cancelling my contract.
thank you
am 08.01.2022 19:40
Hi StefanBFC,
I already answered your private message.