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I want to cancel my phone contract due to leaving the country.

Like the title states, I would like to cancel my contract. I have personally submitted two formal requests to cancel the contract at their firms. Once as soon as I did my abmeldung, and the second one when I went to get a follow up because I haven’t heard or received anything from vodafone. 
i have been charged for this month and they also charged me €10 extra for the international bundle which i did not request. I havent used my vodafone number since I left germany, and that was quite infuriating. 
what is even more infuriating is how impossible it is to contact vodafone. Tobi is not good enough to be used in place of human support. And it is DEFINITELY not enough to remove it completely. I cannot call internationally because I will incur extra charges that are quite expensive here. 
overall my experience has been terrible and I will do my best to deter anyone I know from using vodafone. I will never be using vodafone either, that goes without saying.

4 Antworten 4

For support in English use WhatsApp, from the Tobi-Bot there you repeatedly request a Kundenberater. After you got forwarded to a human agent, the response will take time, this is no live chat and requests are worked on in chronological order.


Moving to another country does NOT automatically generate a right to premature end a contract.

Such a right is only granted if the contractually agreed services cannot be provided at the new location, anyhow with mobile services, you are still able to use them at the new location for the contractually agreed price (which includes roaming charges for usage abroad).


So I doubt you got the right to prematurely end the contract if it's really a mobile phone contract.

@reneromann The law changed in 2021, so a move out of country does indeed generate the right to prematurely terminate a mobile contract, too.

As Peter_Co stated, I am aware of this as I looked it up before I went to cancel. And either way there is no vodafone in my country. I wont be moving back to germany and as I stated previously, i did the abmeldung and provided them with the Abmeldung. I which they personally told me that with an abmeldung I can cancel with no issues. also have a friend who went to cancel in the same situation as myself and they cancelled without any hassle for him.