




english: I face 1 issue and I have 1 question for Partner card


The issue first 🙂 . When I try to order a Partnerkarten (Mobilfunk -> mit vertag -> partnerkarte)

I chooe Starter:innen and then Zum Warenkorb. I get the error:

Lieber Kunde,

Leider haben wir noch keine Bankinformationen von Dir. Du kannst Deine Kontodaten in MeinVodafone hinterlegen.


I need help to fix the info. My bank info is perfect! and I pay for some months now, with automatic payment



My Wife will move her number from Congstar to the partnerkarten program.

Congstar mentioned that data has to be on her name.
I was able with my poor german to order a Partnerkarten. But how can I fix the name in the contract, in order to perform number portability?


Thank you for patiently reading my questions






1 Antwort 1

Hi @Vassilis !


@Vassilis  schrieb:


The issue first 🙂 . When I try to order a Partnerkarten (Mobilfunk -> mit vertag -> partnerkarte)

I chooe Starter:innen and then Zum Warenkorb. I get the error:

Lieber Kunde,

Leider haben wir noch keine Bankinformationen von Dir. Du kannst Deine Kontodaten in MeinVodafone hinterlegen.


I need help to fix the info. My bank info is perfect! and I pay for some months now, with automatic payment


Customer data cannot be viewed or requested here in the community. For clarification in English, I would advise you to use Facebook or Twitter.


@Vassilis  schrieb:


My Wife will move her number from Congstar to the partnerkarten program.

Congstar mentioned that data has to be on her name.
I was able with my poor german to order a Partnerkarten. But how can I fix the name in the contract, in order to perform number portability?

You order the Red+ partner card as advised via Facebook or Twitter. You will receive the SIM card with a provisional Vodafone phone number. Then enter the provisional phone number here. You will receive a code via SMS that you enter on the page. You can then commission the number portability. Here you can easily enter the previous phone number holder (your wife) who differed from you. There is no need to change the number holder.


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