Overcharged for my sim card contract

Dear support team, 


On my second month with Vodafone and I have been overcharged. 

I have a self-employed contract for an unlimited data sim card with Giga Kombi. 

My customer number is *** and my bill number is ***

Can someone have a look into this bill and let me know? I have been charged almost twice the normal price. The bill is not easy to read at all. 

Thanks in advance


*** @Arjon, personal data removed! Please don't publish personal data. ***

1 Antwort 1

Hey Arjon,

please get in touch with my colleagues from the customersupport.

For example via twitter/facebook.

No other user here in the community has insight in your customeraccount.
The main concept of the community is customers helping customers.

The first bill for a mobile contract is always higher , because you pay your tariff in advance.
This means that you pay atleast one month plus a few days , depending on your billing cycle



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