New Contract VoiceMail not working

I only speak English

I took new contract with vodafone When I dial into 5500 and all other numbers, it keep ringing and then disconnected after an IVR. Look Like my VoiceMail is not active. Service Menu is in German and not able to navigate

Can some one help me with following

Activate my VoiceMail

Active Visual VoiceMail for iPhone

change VoiceMail Menu (in case i need it as backup ) to English

Main Service Menu for Contract users in English if available

2 Antworten 2

Die Mailbox gibt's m.W. nur auf Deutsch, andere Sprachen sind nicht vorgesehen. Ansonsten gilt:

Seit 08/22 Ist ist dies ein reines Kunden helfen Kunden Forum. 

Du musst dich an die offiziellen Kontaktstellen wenden.


Hi @sajjadahmad,


You have get in contact with Vodafone customer service, @andreasabaad mentioned and linked. 

The best way is using WhatsApp/SMS Chat (between 7:30 - 22 daily).


You'll start with TOBi, the AI, but don't worry. After some common questions you answer, ask persistent to forward to a VF staff. You will ask twice or three time maybe till TOBi forward you to a staff. 👍


You can also ask to set up you voicemail menu into English. In past the customer service changed the language.