am 14.10.2022 20:51
Hi all,
Sorry for English, only study Deutsch and cannot explain in details.
I have a contract for last 2 years with Main phone (Red S 2019) and additional phone (Red+ AllNet) for me and my wife. We also have Kabel for home internet. I've seen Vodafone advertising about GigaMobil so I ordered GigaMobil XS. Today I received a new SIM card.
Question is, how can I switch from existing tariff to GigaMobil keeping the same phone number? I guess it should be for Main phone number, i.e. Red S -> GigaMobil XS. We do not plan to change numbers, so it would be great to switch to GigaMobil while keeping the same phone number. How can I do that?
Thank you
17.10.2022 14:49 - bearbeitet 17.10.2022 14:52
Hi Vlad,
if you want to renew your contract and switch to a current GigaMobil tariff, you will definitely keep your current phone number.
We will be happy to check whether the tariff change is possible. Please get in touch with our customer service.
For English support I recommend facebook- or Twitter-Service.
Best regards
am 17.10.2022 22:36
Thanks, will try that.