am 24.11.2021 20:27
Dear Sir/Madam,
I ordered online a mobile contract this Tuesday (23/11) (smartphone + RedM tarif) on the BlackFriday deal and there's a mistake in the contract I received.
I am already a Vodafone Customer (with cable internet and TV) and I wanted to have a mobile contract as well, so I could use the GigaKombi benefits. I used my "MeinVodafone" information to buy the new contract, however, on the contract I received I'm being charged for "Anschlusspreis" and I'm not receiving my GigaKombi benefits (10eur per month discount + unlimited data package) as If I bought the contract as a new customer.
How can this be fixed?
Thank you in advance.
Marcos Monteiro.
am 27.11.2021 15:13
Hello Marcos,
just get in touch when your mobile phone contract is active.
We will then simply look over it together and set up the GigaKombi if all the requirements fit.
Many greetings,
am 10.12.2021 16:02
Hello Sandra.
Thank you for your reply.
I have activated my mobile phone contract now. I went to a Vodafone Customer Service in Berlin and they said the accounts should be connected, but they are not. I would be glad If you could take a look at it.
am 11.12.2021 17:52
Hey marcosmonteiro,
then let me help.
Please send a private message with your cable details (customernumber,name,adress,birthdate) and your mobile phonenumber.
I'll setup the Gigakombi for you.
To send me a private message please click on my name/avatar -> then the big red button on the right side.