Contract cancellation


I hope I'm in the right place, if not please excuse me and maybe redirect me? Thank you.
I cancelled my phone contract which ended on Saturday, September 24.
I received a cancellation letter and a text message.
Then, I received two invoices:
- Zeitraum vom 05.09.2022 bis 04.10.2022.
- a complete invoice for the month of October (end of contract: 24.09.22)

I would like to contact someone privately and present these 2 invoices.
Indeed, I would like to make sure that it is a mistake and that no debit will be made on my account except what I have to pay until 24.09.2022.

Thank you for your help !

Kind regards,






7 Antworten 7

Hi Lea33,


thank you for your contribution here. We can't see your customer data, so please contact our customer support directly.


English support you can get in any case at :


Facebook-Service  and Twitter-Service 


Best regards and have a nice Sunday



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I unfortunately don't use Facebook or Twitter and everytime I called (in the past), the customer care agents did not want to exchange with me in english and sometimes even hung up on me. 

Then, I decided to write here in the community and could always get help.

If you can not help me here, please give me an e-mail address where I can write

I thank you in advance.






Hi all,


Since I don't receive any help and satisfying answers, I'm coming back to you and ask you to react, please. 

My request was written 10 days ago. That's not normal.  


Here is my firt message


I hope I'm in the right place, if not please excuse me and maybe redirect me? Thank you.
I cancelled my phone contract which ended on Saturday, September 24.
I received a cancellation letter and a text message.
Then, I received two invoices:
- Zeitraum vom 05.09.2022 bis 04.10.2022.
- a complete invoice for the month of October (end of contract: 24.09.22)

I would like to contact someone privately and present these 2 invoices.
Indeed, I would like to make sure that it is a mistake and that no debit will be made on my account except what I have to pay until 24.09.2022.

Thank you for your help !

Kind regards,"


Here is the answer

"Hi Lea33, 

thank you for your contribution here. We can't see your customer data, so please contact our customer support directly.

 English support you can get in any case at :

 Facebook-Service  and Twitter-Service 

 Best regards and have a nice Sunday



My answer to this answer


I unfortunately don't use Facebook or Twitter and everytime I called (in the past), the customer care agents did not want to exchange with me in english and sometimes even hung up on me. 

Then, I decided to write here in the community and could always get help.

If you can not help me here, please give me an e-mail address where I can write

I thank you in advance."



Is there a possibility to get help somewhere? 

My contract is cancelled, it's, I guess, the reason why you can not find my customer data.  

What is weird is, you don't have my data but continue to send me invoices?



I received a letter from Vodafone with an full invoice to pay for October.  You are not allowed to take money from my acccount. The contract is cancelled since September. Thank you for making sure that no debit will be made.







Simply said: There is no direct support in this Forum anymore since mid of August...


And as the contractual and thus also the support language is German only, you will need to send any support requests in German language using the official contact ways. There may be some operators on Twitter / Facebook that also reply to requests in English, but there's no contractual obligation for Vodafone to do so.


So either you go with Twitter / Facebook -or- you use German.


Bitte geben Sie mir eine E-Mail-Adresse und/oder eine Postanschrift. 

Rechtlich gesehen habe ich das Recht, eine E-Mail oder einen Brief zu schreiben und Sie sind verpflichtet, mir diese Informationen mitzuteilen.

Telefon, facebook und twitter sind nicht die einzigen Medien. Bitte antworten Sie so schnell wie möglich. 


Die Postanschrift steht auf jeder Rechnung; eine Mailadresse hingegen muss NICHT veröffentlicht werden - hierfür gibt es das Kontaktformular -- aber wiederum: nur auf Deutsch!

Ich weiß, dass auf allen Rechnungen eine Postanschrift angegeben ist.
Meine Frage war, ob es eine spezielle Postanschrift für Beschwerden gibt.
Ich werde daher das Kontaktformular verwenden. Auf Deutsch zu schreiben ist kein Problem.

Diese Information hätte mir gleich zu Beginn, als Antwort auf meine zweite Nachricht, mitgeteilt werden können. Das hätte mir den ganzen Schriftverkehr erspart.

Ganz ehrlich, das ist anstrengend. Ihre Dienste sind wirklich anstrengend.

Von Anfang an hatte ich nur Probleme mit Ihnen (Kabel oder Telefon).

Sechs Monate ohne Internet. Es wurde keine Hilfe geleistet. Es wurde keine Lösung gefunden, sondern jeden Monat Rechnungen verschickt, ohne jegliche Skrupel. Ihre Antworten waren herablassend. Sie antworteten nur halb oder gar nicht.

Ich musste alle Gesetzesartikel hervorholen, damit Sie endlich reagierten.
Um es kurz zu machen. Ich habe mein Telefonabonnement gekündigt und werde sehr schnell das Gleiche mit kabel tun.