Hi, I want to make sure that my contract has been canceled. I tried emailing your customer "support" but they told me to make a public post on this help forum. So, here's the copy of the email I sent them:
I want to confirm that this service has been canceled. I received another Rechnung today which has been paid, but I want to be sure this is the last one. The service we received was always well below the promised amount and I’m sure if I pushed things the recent service guarantee laws enacted by the government would result in several hundreds of euros of refunds to make up for the poor service of at least the last year. I certainly do not want to be sending any more money to your company so your CEO can take outrageous paycheques and bonuses while the service provided to customers is nothing short of abysmal. Someone should be sure to congratulate them on having a company at all given how terrible everything Vodafone does is.
I just want to make sure that I don't have to waste any more money on this company and I don't want to waste time talking to your automated phone bots and being on hold for hours. Thanks.