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please see the attached file. It is an email from Vodafone Kabel on March 19 2020. Vodafone Kabel was doing sales and so reduced the tarrif of 1000Mbits Internet subscription to 39.99 euros. However, my December 2020 and January 2021 bills are 63 euros and 68 euros respectively. Why should it be? Please revert to the stated amount of 39.99 euros and refund me the excesses. Thank you.
Edit: Attachment removed due to private information for privacy reasons
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am 06.02.2021 17:16
Hello Izziboi,
unfortunately, the contract data you provided is not correct. You do not have a contract for CableMax 1000 at 39.99 euros per month, but the normal Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable. The CableMax rate was not yet available in 2019. Also, the contract is not from March 2019, but from December 2019. Take a look at your order confirmation, there you will find the conditions for your contract. You have not made any changes, so the contract runs at the conditions stated therein.
am 02.02.2021 19:55
Hi Izziboi,
let's take a closer look. Send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address in a private message.
Then reply again here in the post.
am 03.02.2021 00:01
Hello Thomas, I have sent you the reply on the private message section. Thank you.
am 06.02.2021 17:16
Hello Izziboi,
unfortunately, the contract data you provided is not correct. You do not have a contract for CableMax 1000 at 39.99 euros per month, but the normal Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable. The CableMax rate was not yet available in 2019. Also, the contract is not from March 2019, but from December 2019. Take a look at your order confirmation, there you will find the conditions for your contract. You have not made any changes, so the contract runs at the conditions stated therein.
am 06.02.2021 18:36
But probably there is a option to downgrade to a lower tariff. So read your order confirmation carefully, there should be some statement about optional tariffs after inital 12 months.
am 06.02.2021 19:02
Thanks for your contribution.
am 10.02.2021 09:36
Hi Izziboi,
do you have any questions?
am 10.02.2021 21:33
Please check my account and tell me which month I can apply for a tarrif of lower cost. Also tell me how to apply for it.
Thank you.
am 12.02.2021 07:15
Hi Izziboi,
you can change to another tariff. What kind of bandwidth do you want?
am 13.02.2021 23:13
I want 100Mbit/s.