am 21.05.2022 16:31
Hallo Vodafone-Gemeinde,
Ich bin Austauschstudent und spreche kein Deutsch, dieser Text wurde von Google übersetzt.
Ich werde weniger als zwei Jahre in Deutschland bleiben und brauche in dieser Zeit Internet. Ich habe alle Verträge auf Ihrer Website überprüft und festgestellt, dass die Mindestverträge 2 Jahre betragen, also passen sie nicht zu mir. Gibt es eine andere Empfehlung für mich? Oder kann ich meinen Vertrag kündigen, wenn ich Deutschland verlasse? Die einfache Internetverbindung reicht mir. Danke.
Hello Vodafone community,
I am an exchange student and do not speak German, this text was translated by Google.
I will stay in germany for less than two years and I need internet during this time. I checked all the contracts from your website and found that the minimum contracts are 2 years, so they don't suit me. Is there any other recommendation for me? Or may I cancel my contract when I leave Germany? The basic internet connection is enough for me. Thank you.
am 21.05.2022 16:58
Ich habe bei einigen anderen Internetanbietern nachgesehen und festgestellt, dass die Kosten für die Mindestgeschwindigkeit fast 50 Euro betragen, wobei die einmaligen Startkosten nicht enthalten sind. Es ist zu viel teurer als ein normaler Vertrag von 2 Jahren. Wenn dies der allgemeine Preis in Deutschland ist, sollte ich in Betracht ziehen, in ein anderes Zimmer zu ziehen, in dem sie bereits Internet haben.
I checked some other internet providers and found that the cost is nearly 50 euro for the minimum speed, the starting one-time cost not included. It is too much more expensive than a normal contract of 2 years. If this is the general price in Germany I should consider to move to another room where they already have internet.
- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Edit: Entfernt. Bitte keine Werbung, Links etc. von anderen Anbietern.
am 21.05.2022 19:32
You should not calculate in this manner.
Even if you know, you will go back within few month best choice is to use a 2-years-contract with the speed you like to have.
If you change residental everything is handeld by law.
am 22.05.2022 13:57
Hello shingouki123,
You can conclude an Internet & Phone contract. If you move, you notify us of your move. If we can't continue to serve you at your new address, your contract will be cancelled. Please also have a look at our thread Moving abroad - Leaving Germany.
Best regards
am 22.05.2022 16:29
Dear Nancy,
Thank you very much for your answer. In this case I can handle a contract regardless of the minimum contract time. For the contract I have another question: I already have a 9.9euro prepaid vodafone card bought from Penny and all my stuff like bank account and insurance are linked to this phone number. I did some simple search and the result is my card cannot be included into the internet & Phone contract. Is that correct? Is there any possibility to handle an internet&phone contract with my phone number? If not I have to handle a contract of internet itself. Looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,
am 22.05.2022 18:09
am 23.05.2022 11:47
Hello shingouki123,
sorry for the question, but before there is any misunderstanding, what exactly do you mean? Do you want internet & phone via cable or do you want to take out a data plan?
Best regards