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I had a Giga tv contract ***. This contract got canceled last month for which I was willing to pay €280. But two days later I received an other bill from Paigo for €407. I have talked to your colleagues on phone but they are unable to find this contract. Please help as soon as possible because I have to provide the information to Paigo till 11-11-21
Community team: Removed customer number
am 06.11.2021 01:49
What you have attached is not an invoice, but the debt collection company’s statement of accounts. You can only find the Vodafone bills in MeinVodafone or MeinKabel if you have also set up this access.
In addition, you are in a customer-help-customer forum and I'm by no means your "bro".
Since the entire process is already in the collection process due to non-payment, no Vodafone employee can help you here either. With the transition to debt collection, your sole contact person is only the debt collection company.
am 06.11.2021 03:23
There hasn't been payments for the cable connect contract - there's even charge back fees listed, which indicates that you manually charged back the invoices and/or your bank did it as your account balance wasn't high enough.
Therefor the lines with "Rücklastschriftgebühr".
And these fees don't include GigaTV at all - that is just the monthly service fee for the cable TV connection that is needed for GigaTV (or any other TV contract) on top in case that service fee is not included in your monthly payment for your apartment.
So that one is only for the service fees for the cable connection; there will be another one for GigaTV on top of that...
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The Vodafone Premium Net/App you are talking about, I have already cancelled it as it was stated in my contract you can check below in the vodafone invoice.
Edit: Anhang entfernt, da persönliche Daten nicht unkenntlich gemacht wurden.
am 06.11.2021 20:04
As already written, you have not uploaded a single Vodafone invoice. These are only the lists of the debt collection agency, which otherwise only relate to the required cable connection (TV Connect), from which it is not clear whether any services have been canceled. And if you have booked GigaTV and have not paid either, there is a separate collection process for it, as it is a separate contract.
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I have already uploaded the Vodafone invoice in the comment above.
here see it again in attachments
Edit: attachment deleted. Lars
am 06.11.2021 21:30
The invoice was removed due to personal information. If you have already paid this invoice, there will be no new one for it. But if it was not paid on time, this is the sum that the debt collection agency will now collect from you. The invoice is due immediately upon receipt. When did you get it?
am 06.11.2021 21:51
It was written on the invoice that I have to pay this amount to debt collection. For which I received a seperate letter one week later on 17th Oct. I have payed half of the invoice and the other half is due next month.
am 06.11.2021 22:20
And that was your mistake. The bill was due immediately. Since you have not paid it, the claim has gone to collection due to persistent delay in payment. This means that there is no longer any claim from Vodafone, your sole contact is the debt collection agency.
If you had agreed to pay in installments with Vodafone, it would not have come to that. But since you probably hadn't paid a single invoice, you would not have been granted an installment payment.
You have to meet the payment obligations from your contracts on time. You can now arrange an installment payment with the debt collection agency, which will incur additional costs for you.
am 06.11.2021 22:39
So there's two open things right now:
a) GigaTV + GigaTV NetApp invoices
b) TV Connect invoices
If you only pay one but not the other, the invoice procedure / debt collection will keep on running and with each month that passes and each letter the debt collector writes, the costs will increase.
am 07.11.2021 01:36
Are you a Vodafone employee?