Termination of the contract

Dear whom it may concern,


Since I am leaving Germany, I do not need my internet contract 2 PLAY FLY 400 anymore.

I would like to terminate my contract at the earliest possible date.

Please help me terminate my internet contract.


Thank you very much for your help.




Jaeong Jung.


Edit: @goldenham Contribution moved from the DSL to the cable board because it is a cable internet tariff.

3 Antworten 3

You cannot cancel in this Customers-help-Customers forum - you'll need to send a written cancellation notice including a copy of your deregistration letter and your new address to the corresponding customer service, e.g. using "usual" postal mail.


Keep also in mind that -as the contractual language is German- your cancellation letter has to be written in German language.

Since you have a VFW/ex-UM contract according to the tariff, you can also send the termination by email, but as @reneromann  has already written, in German. Alternatively, you can also cancel using the contact form.

Thanks! The form is convenient.