Tarif Change


I would like to switch my tarif from 3play JUMP 150 to Red Internet & Phone 250 Cable, my current contract expires on December 18, 2021. Unfortunately, my german is very limited, thus a call to the hotline is not an optinion and online chat support rejects to proceed the change.


So, the question is how to make the change the easiest way and what the costs are?

4 Antworten 4

You have to send a cancellation first because you want to downgrade. Otherwise you have to continue to fulfill the TV part in the previous contract.
Since you come from the area of ​​Vodafone West / ex-Unitymedia, you can send the cancellation by email. Write in directly that you would like to switch to the Red Internet & Phone 250 Cable U (that's the tariff name at Vodafone West) after the end of the contract.

So, the cancelation was accepted, but the activation of the new tarif was not processed.


I have tried to make a new order via the web, but just received rejection of the new contract, because I am current/old customer.


Any help would be appreciated!

That could be very scarce here, because the mods are extremely busy right now. But you can of course contact the social media support on Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp, there is also support in English and they can book you a tariff according to your wishes.
Alternatively, see if you can change the tariff you want directly via MeinVodafone (Internet & Phone - tariff change).


Good morning JanJ,

Sorry to keep you waiting. Smiley (traurig)


What is your current situation? Have you contacted our social media team regarding your change request?


If not, please send me a private message with the following details: Customer number, name, address, date of birth, state and current mobile phone number.


Please report back here as soon as the message is out. Then we will take care of your request together.


Kind regards


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