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am 27.04.2022 15:41
I successfully submitted a form (03.04.2022) to move my Vodafone internet connection to a new address. When I connect my router in the new apartment, the Network led blinks, and there is no connection. What should I do next to get the internet? I work from home: the internet is crucial for my work.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
Akzeptierte Lösungen

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05.05.2022 10:36 - bearbeitet 05.05.2022 10:38
Unfortunately, we had not received any notification of relocation beforehand, sorry.
Knowing the poor quality of Vodafone's service, I am not surprised that the form on the website does not work.
Just in case, I used a form under this URL https://kabel.vodafone.de/meinkabel/meine_kundendaten/umzugsservice. I hope Vodafone fixes it to avoid the problem for other customers.
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am 28.04.2022 10:59
Heys mshsutov,
did you switch from a cableconnection to internet via dsl?
Or a u still using an Internet & Phone Cable tariff, like in your last thread?
If you relocate / move a dsl landline, you'll get new login credentials with your welcomeletter. Are we already past the activation date communicated there?
Then the router needs to be resettet to factorydefaults & configured with the new login credentials.
Did you try that?

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am 28.04.2022 11:06
> Or a u still using an Internet & Phone Cable tariff, like in your last thread?
I'm still on the same tariff.
> If you relocate / move a dsl landline, you'll get new login credentials with your welcomeletter.
I haven't received a new "welcome letter" yet.
> Are we already past the activation date communicated there?
I submitted the form twice. The second submission was with yesterday's date - 27.04.2022.
> Then the router needs to be resettet to factorydefaults & configured with the new login credentials.
Did you try that?
Nope, as I said I didn't receive a new "welcome letter".
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am 28.04.2022 13:04
Ok , if you are still using your old tariff / Cable contract I'll move this thread into the fitting board.
Could you please tell me in which state you've moved?

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am 28.04.2022 13:06
> Could you please tell me in which state you've moved?
I stay in Berlin, just moved to a different district - Moabit. I can send you an address in DM if you need it.
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am 29.04.2022 11:56
Hello mshsutov,
did you use our relocation service for your message?
I would be happy to check whether your message has arrived. Please send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address by private message. Then report back here in this post.
Best regards

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am 29.04.2022 14:20
I used Umzugsservice on https://kabel.vodafone.de/
I will send you additional data in the private message
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am 30.04.2022 13:14
Hello mshsutov,
unfortunately you cannot continue to use your old contract at the new address. We do not offer cable via Vodafone there. There is a possibility that we will switch your contract to DSL. If it's okay for you, we can arrange a callback for you, the colleagues will be happy to advise you.
Best Regards

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am 02.05.2022 12:47
If the transfer is not possible, could you stop my contract starting from 1 May? Why did the form accept the new address?
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am 02.05.2022 15:30
Hello mshsutov,
that the address is still available is correct in that sense. Unfortunately, we can no longer offer you cable, only DSL. Your move date was 01.05?
Best Regards