- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 21.07.2022 13:32
Hello resolve,
I have completed the cancellation. You will also receive a confirmation. Don't forget to send back our router. I will cancel the number transfer.
Please excuse the inconvenience. Maybe you will think twice about switching to us when the end of your current contract is in sight.
Best regards and stay well
20.07.2022 10:57 - bearbeitet 20.07.2022 10:58
Hello resolve,
that is of course unpleasant if you are still tied down by this back and forth. Does your landlord want us to continue to supply the property or your connection?
Best regards
- zuletzt bearbeitet am
yeah I am really frustrated about this because Vodafone sales team walkin to our apartments and said that buidling\apartment managmened decided to move out of M-Net so they pushed me to sign the vodafone contract to use internet without any dowtime or hicups.
I have shown my M-Net contract details to Vodafone sales team but they promised me that they will take care of the provider change and all the formalities now I have left alone. because M-Net said they will continue my contract and support till February 4th, 2024. and still I am paying for M-Net.
Vodafone said the connection will be available from February 5th, 2024 after my M-Net Contract is over, I have enclosed the letter from Vodafone so Please find the attachment however Vodafone contract ending date is 04/19/2024 so it doesn’t make sense. Please terminate my contract and I am ready to handover the vodafone router device. Really I am worried about this situation.
Edit: Removed attachment with client data. Please do not post personal data publicly.
am 20.07.2022 12:10
To terminate only my connection because M-Net agreed to provide support for me till 4th, February 2024.
I have send you a private message with some more details.
20.07.2022 13:25 - bearbeitet 20.07.2022 13:27
Hello resolve,
according to the documents, the contract with PYUR has been terminated and a supply agreement for television has been concluded.
This does not affect your contract with M-Net, which we cannot terminate earlier on your behalf.
What were you told during the consultation?
Best regards
20.07.2022 13:38 - bearbeitet 20.07.2022 13:40
Hi Nancy,
Vodafone sale team never said that its for PYUR and they said its for all the internet provider for the whole 81 apartment. I guess they have cheated me because I have specially showed them about my M-Net contract detials and they said they will take care the provider change and no need to worry about M-Net.
Really this is not fair, I am not using PYUR then Why vodafone sales team walkin to my apartment and why they said my internet will go down and pushed me to take a contract from Vodafone.
I have said clearly that I am using M-Net for Internet and I am not using any television. and I have explained them about my M-Net plan details, speed and contract period.
Really I am super frustracted now. vodafone sales team cheated me and sold vodafone internet contract to me, Could you please reach out the vodafone sales team because they are not responsing to my emails and calls.
Atleast vodafone sale team should have knowleadge enough to check my previous provider before selling it.
20.07.2022 17:25 - bearbeitet 20.07.2022 17:28
am 21.07.2022 11:17
Hello resolve,
thank you for your detailed description.
What I can offer you is to terminate the contract immediately. Let me know if you agree.
Best regards
am 21.07.2022 11:27
Hi Nancy,
Please go-ahead and terminate my contract.
Thank you so much for your help and understanding my situation. I really appreciate all your help.
Thanks & Regards,
Harish CP
am 21.07.2022 13:32
Hello resolve,
I have completed the cancellation. You will also receive a confirmation. Don't forget to send back our router. I will cancel the number transfer.
Please excuse the inconvenience. Maybe you will think twice about switching to us when the end of your current contract is in sight.
Best regards and stay well