No Auftragsbestätigung after 13 days


We made an order for a Kabel subscription through the Vodafone website on 29/12. It has been over ten days and we still don't have internet. We should not even need installation, just a router. we have still not received any Auftragsbestätigung by e-mail or letter, which I believe is necessary to continue the process. We tried calling customer service, but they were unable to give us any more information. Can we be forwarded these documents, or given an estimate of when we can expect to receive this document(s)?

1 Antwort 1


Hey flibberflam,

If you've ordered the contract on our homepage you should recieve a mail with a confirmation link within minutes. Without this confirmation, the contract will not process.
May be a wrong mailadress was entered?

Without any customernumber its hard to find anything.
I'd suggest writing the customersupportvia facebook or twitter. You'll get help in english there.
If no contract can be found, i fear the only option is booking a new contract.

Cable contracts get activated within a few working days.


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