




Moving abroad - cancelling or transferring contract?

Hello, I currently have a Red Internet/Phone 1000 Cable (Hessen) 2 year contract until October of 2022.  My job is transferring me to France in early March 2022. Two questions:

  • Is it possible to cancel this contract with 3 months notice (no earlier than the date of move) with proof of unsubscribe? I just wanted to confirm specifically that Vodafone would not try to force me to transfer my service to France. I don't think the new flat in France has cable available with similar service quality, but is this something I have to explicitly prove, or is it enough that I am moving to France in order to cancel?
  • If I find someone that is willing to take over the contract, can I have them take it over, or is there a restriction on transferring cable contracts? I believe it is possible to transfer DSL but that cable may not be possible.  Could you please advise?



2 Antworten 2

@expatunity  schrieb:

Hello, I currently have a Red Internet/Phone 1000 Cable (Hessen) 2 year contract until October of 2022.  My job is transferring me to France in early March 2022. Two questions:

  • Is it possible to cancel this contract with 3 months notice (no earlier than the date of move) with proof of unsubscribe? I just wanted to confirm specifically that Vodafone would not try to force me to transfer my service to France. I don't think the new flat in France has cable available with similar service quality, but is this something I have to explicitly prove, or is it enough that I am moving to France in order to cancel?

You provide the address and Vodafone checks if they can supply you there.

As Vodafone does not sell any cable contracts in France, this means that the service cannot be transferred to your new location and it'll end with a 1 month notice period (the time has been lowered due to a change in the Telecommunications law becoming effective from Dec. 1st last year).


@expatunity  schrieb:
  • If I find someone that is willing to take over the contract, can I have them take it over, or is there a restriction on transferring cable contracts? I believe it is possible to transfer DSL but that cable may not be possible.  Could you please advise?

Cable contracts can also be transferred - but you'll need to find someone willing to take the contract -and- Vodafone will check if they agree on that (especially if they'd make a contract with that person for financial reasons).

Wow, that is fantastic news. 1 month is very reasonable. Thanks for the quick response!