am 26.03.2021 13:22 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 26.03.2021 13:27 von Kurtler
I have just made an order for TV+internet "by mistake" and I want to cancel it immediately.
I can not reach the number since I have a foreign phone and I am not in Germany.
How could I do to cancel the order as soon as possible?
Thank you,
Marco Crema
Edit: @MarcoCrema Heating adjusted. Best regards Kurtler
am 26.03.2021 19:42
Hi MarcoCrema,
welcome here in our Community.
I'm sure, we can help you with that. Please send me a private message with the following information:
your name
your address
date of birth
last four digits of the IBAN
the link of this thread
Please reply here when you have sent the private message.