am 28.07.2021 05:36 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 28.07.2021 10:22 von Nancy
I have made several posts here regarding my Vodafone contracts and most of it is now clear. However, there still seems to be an issue. I canceled my Kabel-Vertrag back (Kunden-Nr. XXX) in February because I moved away from Germany. But every single month I have been charged 64.96 euros for something that I do not understand. I thought it was related to my Mobilfunk contract and that it's just that expensive but that isn't the case because I sent my Kündigung for that and when I checked the rechnungs today, then there are no signs of the amount of 64.96 euros that gets charged from my account every single month. Not a single rechnung about it. Now when I checked the transaction on my bank account, I found out that the rechnung is being sent to Kundennummer XXX?? I have never received any paperwork regarding an account with that Kundennummer and I don't even have access to it, yet I get charged every month. How is this possible? I'm paying for a service that I never signed up for?
The rechnungnummer for the latest transaction is XXX
This whole thing has been quite a mess and I would appreciate a solution for this situation. Hoping for your cooperation.
Thank you
Kevin Kilp
Edit: Please do not post customer number or invoice number publicly
am 28.07.2021 18:57
Hi KevKilp,
you have two cable customer numbers: the number (xxx077) was cancelled due to your reported move from February 2021.
The other number (xxx525) is already active. For this number we didn't got any moving notice or cancellation from you.
am 29.07.2021 04:50
Hello Stephan
Thank you for your reply!
Strange, I do not recall signing up for a 2nd cable contract. Would it be possible to know when and how did that happen? Also, I kept all my Vodafone papers and I do not have any login details for that account... Would it be possible to cancel it, please? I do not want to keep paying for something I can't even use since I'm not in Germany anymore
Thanks in advance
am 29.07.2021 15:46
Hi KevKilp,
the second contract is active since October 2020 the order itself was placed in September 2020.
This order was placed for another address in Gera (Große Kirchstr. 14).
am 29.07.2021 16:28
Thank you for your reply.
Very strange. I took that address to Vodafone around that time because my address in Germany had changed. I thought I was doing the necessary thing to inform Vodafone about the address change but I had no idea I was signing up for a 2nd cable contract... anyway, I want this done so how can I cancel it? Please keep in mind that I never received any paperwork or log-in details regarding this contract. Can I cancel it here through you somehow or could you please help me get log-in details for this account so I could cancel it myself online?
The only thing I did receive from Vodafone after giving out the new address was new wifi router and tv box but I thought this was a standard procedure when you change your address.
Thank you,
30.07.2021 09:43 - bearbeitet 30.07.2021 09:44
Hi KevKilp,
apparently you made a new contract back then. The new devices for that had been received, as you write.
But anyway: since the other contract was already cancelled, I'll also cancel this contract.
Please verify you e-mail-address, so that we can send you a copy of the confirmation.
am 30.07.2021 11:19
Hello Stephan
Alright, that works! I have also verified my e-mail address now. If there's anything else needed then please do let me know.
Thank you for your help!
All the best,
am 30.07.2021 14:25
Hi KevKilp,
no there's nothing to do so far.
The contract is cancelled and I'll send you a confirmation via email.