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Extremely low upload speed


Hello! Sorry for the English first, but I cant wait to solve this problem. I just changed my plan to cable 250 mbit download and 25 mbit upload with x2 upload boost. So my upload speed should be 50 mbit. But it is only 1 mbit, which is incredible. New Bitmap Image (2).jpg

7 Antworten 7

Habe selbe Probleme


Speedtest-ID: tq2k6r2qhcm2


Soll: 1000/50

IST 940 / 10-22




@Konstantin24 Please post the line values ​​/ Docsis parameters from your router. Please also answer the questions from this thread, then it will be much easier to provide assistance.


@KundeOhneNetz Wenn du ein Problem hast, musst du nicht in mehreren fremden Threads spamen. Eröffne bitte einen eigenen Thread und schildere dort dein Problem. Danke.

Thank you for your help.

I have unity media connect box:


Standard specification compliant : DOCSIS 3.0

Hardware version : 5.01

Software version : CH7465LG-NCIP-


My DOCSIS parameters for upload are:

Upstream bonded channels

Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) Symbol Rate (ksps) Modulation Channel ID

1 44600000 46 5.120 64qam 3

2 37200000 51 5.120 64qam 2

3 51000000 45 5.120 64qam 4

4 30800000 46 5.120 64qam 1


And I can't say if it happened only now, because before I had 60/3 mbit plan and I didn't see more than 3 mbit. Now I changed my plan to 250/50 on Tuesday , however, I never see upload speed higher than 1 mbit. So... it become worse for double price.




Hey Konstantin24,


I am very sorry that your connection is not working optimally. Smiley (traurig)


So that we can take a closer look at it, please send us a private message with the following data: Customer number, name, address, date of birth, state and current mobile phone number.


Please report back here as soon as the message is out. Then we will get an overview together and find a solution for you.


Kind regards


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Hi! Sent a message to you!




I want to complain on the person responsible for ticket xxxxxxxxxxxxx. It was just closed without any help, however, they promised me, that technician will come and check my connection because the problem obviously exists and they even see it.


Worst service ever


Edit: Please do not post personal information publicly.

Edit 2: Added to existing thread.

Good morning Konstantin24,

I am very sorry that you were so dissatisfied with the first processing of your ticket. This procedure does not correspond to our standard.

I saw in your customer account that a new incident report was recorded for you yesterday. This is being sent to our internal technology department for analysis. My colleagues are trying to isolate and solve your problem via remote maintenance. If this is not successful, a technician will contact you to arrange an on-site appointment

Together we will find a solution for you.

Kind regards


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