11.03.2021 16:48 - bearbeitet 11.03.2021 17:03
In February I hired the internet plan CableMax 1000. After the first instalation, I was very happy. I was getting around 900mpbs of download speeds.
Since time ago I noticed a decrease of the internet speeds between 13:00 and 20:00. The dowload speeds in this period went down to 100mbps. In late evening, the speeds goes back to normal.
But since this week, my download speeds goes down to 10 mbps (ten Megabits per second).
I understand there are peak times, but this is unacceptable.
Computer: iMac 21,5 4K 2017
OS: MacOS Catalina 10.15.7
Connection: LAN (1 Gbits)
Location: Hamburg
Please advise.
am 11.03.2021 19:49
11.03.2021 19:45 Uhr
22177 Hamburg
Download: 9Mbps
Upload: 49 Mbps
am 12.03.2021 14:15
Hello wwdenis,
so the speed is only low in the afternoon/ evening but alright in the morning? I would like to check this, please send me your customer number, the name and birth date of the contract owner and the full address. Send all the details in a private message and reply here in this thread.
Viele Grüße,
am 12.03.2021 15:21
Hi @Claudia I just sent a private message.
The slow speeds are noticeable only in late afternoons (from 17:00 to 22:00)
Today afternoon (15:00) the download speeds are acceptable (around 600 mbps on WIFI) at Vodafone Speedtest.
Thank you for looking into this.
LG Denis
am 16.03.2021 12:22
well, could you please use our device so we could check our connection? We cant see any things with your device connected 😞