




Disappointed/ why 27.99€ instead of 19.99€/ fake offers why?
Hi good afternoon,
I just called the hotline below, but my colleagues told me there were no offers for me. They also said if I want to stay with Vodafone, then I have to pay at least 27.99€/month instead of 19.99€/month. 
I would also like to inform you that before the move I called the hotline and the colleagues said if I extended my contract then mine will stay like this for €19.99/month.
This email says that if I want to extend my contracts, I will receive a personal offer from Vodafone and can save up to €150. 
Please check if the offer is correct.
If that offer is correct then I can have my advance extension. 
Really disappointed!! 
You sent emails to trap the customers with different offers but in real you don’t offer any discount. I am customer of Vodafone since 4 years and I had a good experience but I think now Vodafone ist a good choice. 
Why you lie to customers only to trap them.  
1. before moving from Kiel to Dessau I had a conversation with Customer Service and the lady said ok If you want to extend the contract you tariff will stay same and you will the same amount 19.99€/months. ( you can listen die recorded call and investigate it) 
And now you are saying we can’t offer/ we don’t have this offer etc . 
What the hell this .
I am waiting for your response.
Old customer no. *** 
New Customer no. ***
Edit: customer number deleted. Lars
1 Antwort 1

Hello Tasleem,


I'm sorry that didn't work out. I would like to take a closer look. Please write me which state you are from.


Have you received a concrete offer by e-mail?


Best regards


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