Once again I have to resort to complaining to Vodafone about your really TERRIBLE services. It is absolutely DRAINING to be a Vodafone client and have to constantly deal with misinformation and intentional DECEIT and delaying from your side!!!
I have both a mobile phone contract and a landline/internet contract with Vodafone. Since the establishment of my new mobile contract on the 8th of March 2022, I was supposed to receive a GigaKombi discount (-10€) on my landline bills. As usual with Vodafone, nothing really happens smoothly and without the client complaining! 
Having verified on the 9th of April 2022 that my bill came with no discount, I called around 19:00 and was informed by one of the operators that the discount needed to be activated. He said he would immediately do it, that I would receive a confirmatory SMS within 8 days, and that the next bill would not only have the GigaKombi discount added BUT also an extra discount for the previously missed month.
No surprise here, so that didn't happen! As I don't have the free time to call Vodafone EVERY SINGLE DAY (which of course they make use of, knowing that their clients are busy and will eventually give up on complaining about your very poor and frankly despicable work), I didn' t notice the problem again until the next bill arrived.
Then, I called YET AGAIN, on the 1st of May 2022, around 3:27 pm, complaining. The operator (Mossama(?) Ahmed) said he would IMMEDIATELY take care of the activation and that I should receive a confirmatory SMS within the next 24h (they could at least instruct all operators to lie the same way...). Again, I would also receive a discount on the next bill for now two months of no discount.
It's been more than 24 hours now since my last call. OBVIOUSLY, I have not received any SMS regarding my GigaKombi discount activation. Funny how for the establishment of a new contract, everything works out the same day. Funny and despicable.
How far should I go? How much does it take for a Vodafone customer to be properly treated? How many emails should I send? How many calls? Should I call 3 operators on the same day and complain about the same issue? Will it magically happen that I get 3x the discount I've been promised and I've been missing?
Really, what does it take? Could you be so kind to instruct me on which other days I can complain? And how I can get my problem SOLVED?! Without WASTING my precious time running after operators that are taught to deceive us, clients? Will I have to go into a legal dispute?! I'm borderline considering it for the sake of demanding RESPECT!
It's becoming really tiring and embarrassing! I want this problem solved, YESTERDAY.
1 Antwort 1

Hello Quel,


I am sorry that you had this experience with our service. I will gladly take care of this in order to improve it.


The GigaKombi is not automatically activated in your contract, but you can arrange this as a customer. Just like you did.


I'll be happy to take a look at your contract and see what it currently looks like. First, please tell me which federal state you come from and whether you use internet via cable or DSL.


Best regards


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