31.07.2023 14:56 - bearbeitet 31.07.2023 15:13
My German isn't that good. That's why need to ask this question in English.
I just moved from Berlin to Munich.
I applied for relocation from my Kabel internet account. In return, Vodafone sent me a letter by email stating that I am getting a new customer number and I just register for a new account.
When I tried to do that. It is asking me for an activation code. I don't have one and Vodafone didn't sent one. If I go to request a code, then it tells me that the new account number is incorrect.
Now I am already in the new apartment in Munich and don't have any internet.
Can someone help me please how to solve this.
Its difficult to get to talk to someone via customer service phone number and also can't explain this all in German unfortunately.
Appreciate your help and thank you in advance.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 01.08.2023 07:25
Seit 08/22 Ist ist dies ein reines Kunden helfen Kunden Forum.
Du musst dich an die offiziellen Kontaktstellen wenden.
am 01.08.2023 07:25
Seit 08/22 Ist ist dies ein reines Kunden helfen Kunden Forum.
Du musst dich an die offiziellen Kontaktstellen wenden.
am 01.08.2023 07:35
I see, thanks
will connect on WhatsApp then.
am 01.08.2023 12:16
Da die Lösung markiert wurde,kommt hier ein Schloss vor!