




I've been assigned to the new tariff without my permission and Vodafone doesn't allow to cancel

I've been having a Red Internet 200 contract since January 2020. Everything worked fine until June 17, when I reported a problem with my Internet connection.


On June 17, 2020, I called Kabel Deutschland Customer Support to report a lost Internet connection. The customer support representative realized that the router caused the problem, and she requested the new router to be sent to me ASAP.

In addition to that, she asked me if I would like to have a 1Gb/s Internet connection without adding any details or conditions. As I thought that she is offering me something better in my tariff, I answered OK.

The conversation was conducted in English, and the customer rep was struggling to explain that this is a promotion, and if I accept, my contract will change and start with the new tariff under different conditions. I did not request, nor gave any permission to change the tariff and pay more for something I don't want.


Then I request a cancelation of something that I never asked to have, neither gave any permission or approval. Vodafone confirmed cancelation on June 23 by email and attaching the document on My Document in Customer Platform as the proof. On July 1st, Vodafone sent another email where it states the following:


Widerruf nicht möglich
Lieber Luka Marinkovic,
Sie können Ihre Verträge nicht widerrufen. Ein Widerruf ist nur bei Fernabsatz- und außerhalb von
Geschäftsräumen abgeschlossenen Verträgen möglich. Ihre Verträge laufen daher weiter:
Vertrag Produkt


I say it again, never asked for the new tariff, never requested the new contract. I just want to keep having the one I had since January and to have an invoice with agreed costs.







6 Antworten 6

Hello Lukinius,


welcome to our community. Nice to see you.


For a closer look send me the following informations in a private message:


full name

date of birth


customer number


Write a short reply here afterwards.


Best regards



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Hi Tina,


Just sent




Hello Lukinius,

I looked into it. Beside the tariff change to Internet & Phone 1000 a TV contract was signed. The latter was ordered in a shop. Have you been to one of our shops and signed a contract?


Best regards



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What!!?? It must be a huge, huge mistake.


I never went to any shop, and I only called customer service regarding the loss of the Internet connection, did not order anything, nor asking for a TV contract. I stopped watching TV since 2003! You would have my sign or proof of evidence. Please, if you need, just check the recording of that call and compare it to the reported email. I


I already sent my cancelation request on June 23, describing everything.


I assume some from your colleague misunderstood or, in the worse case, misused the outcome of the call.


And please react upon that and cancel everything that is not in my original contract signed on January 20, 2020.


Thanks in advance

Hi Tina,


Do you have any updates?


I want to avoid any possibility that Kabel Deutschland can refuse my cancelation due to 14 days allowed period for that. I reacted on time, and it's your responsibility to make it happen and get back to my original contract.





Hi Lukinius,


if you say that you weren't in a shop, I'll cancel the new TV-package.


You'll get a confirmation about that. Your internet contract is already running with the old conditions.




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