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WiFi keeps shutting down

Since recently my router started randomly (or not) shutting down wifi. Once shut down, it can only be restarted manually (via or by pressing the button on the router). I think it started on one of the hot days this week (the temperature was above 36 degrees in the apartment), but the problem is that now it keeps doing that even when the temperature is back to normal. The router is not in a cramped space, it's just under the table, not facing a wall on any side. 

"Band steering" is disabled in the settings, and I tried disabling 5GHz mode altogether, but it did it again after that.

19 Antworten 19

Hello rumpelstiltskin,

I would be happy to take a look at it. Please send me a PN with your customer data (name, address, customer number and date of birth).

Then please contact me again here when you have sent me the data.

Best regards



Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes!

Hi rumpelstiltskin,


shall we try a replacement of the modem?

Kind regards


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not sure tbh.. it's not a critical problem for me atm. maybe if it's combined with another upgrade? i see your flagship product is 1gb currently, but my rate is 400mb, and on my account page it says that i have "the best possible rate". however, if i check my address for the 1gb plan, it comes up as valid. so the question is, can i smoothly upgrade my current plan, or does it mean i'll have to cancel it and buy a brand new 1gb one (which i probably won't do)?


Hi rumpelstiltskin,


you can upgrade your contract


At the moment it is 47,97€ for 400MBit/s including the router.For changing the contract you will be charged for 9,98€ once.  After the upgrade to 1000Mbit/s including Fritzbox 6660 it will be 54,98€


Sounds good?

Kind regards

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

it does sound pretty good actually; how do i do that?


Hi rumpelstiltskin,


I can do this for you, if you agree Smiley (zwinkernd)

Kind regards

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

ok, I do agree then.


Hi rumpelstiltskin,


you will get a summary through mail. Please accept it to finish the change Smiley (zwinkernd)


EDIT: Sorry, I made a mistake and deleted the first order. I forgot to delete the transport-costs. You get a new mail with the right summary 

Kind regards

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ok i got the fritz box and installed it. function-wise all seems to be working, but the internet is *incredibly* slow. its monitor shows around 1mbs instead of the expected 1000mbs