Sales guy from vodafone (through VFKD) tried to scammed

I just had a visit from a guy  with vodafone uniform and had access to my contract. He said that I could uppgrade my internet and add tv +netflix for free for the same price as I am currently having. I received a new contract but internet cost more 10 € per month and TV adds on top 46 € . At the end it will not impact becasue I typically don't trust these guys and double checked the contract

I hope vodafone addresses this. It is not ethical they do this, and I do not want to have my personal details shared with VFKD anymore, i do not feel safe I think vodafone must protect more their customers especially when their german is limited

1 Antwort 1

Hi JoaoLopes :).

Unfortunately, we can no longer offer individual support here via the forum, as we cannot request any data.


Feel free to contact us via one of the other channels. (e.g. via Facebook / X by direct message).

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