am 30.07.2023 08:12
Hello guys.
Currently, I have urge to use wireguard vpn to cet connected to my remote office.
I renting frizbox 6660 cabel router from vodaphone and its running very outdated firmware, which not support wireguard.
But, latest firmware is available for 6660 supporting wireguard, and i dont know how to set it up or when vodaphone will upgrade my router.
1) how i can setup it manually?
2) if i cant, i want to return this router, because i have to buy one which supports wireguard and i want use any vodaphone router in bridge mode.
bonus question) can i exchange this 6660 router to another router from frix box, which support wireguard connection? in that case ill be glad continue renting router for current terms.
am 30.07.2023 08:28
the router is rented by vodafone - u won't be able 2 make any changes regarding the firmware.
when a new avm firmware update is released ít always takes a certain time until vodafone releases that update
"branded by vodafone".,
unfortunately nobody can tell u how long it will take.
sometimes 1 - 2 weeks - but years before it took 1 - 2 months !! (or even longer)
by using an own router u'll be able 2 install latest update immediately
am 30.07.2023 11:16
Thank you @natas666 .
I rent this router more that a year, and its still runnig the same firmware...
i think vodafon just dgaf to set latest update.
then id like to exchange frixbox to default router which i will use as bridge mode.
@vodafone please help me with this.
i can't speek german and could some one contact me by e-mail so i can cancel router subscription.
am 30.07.2023 12:05
Hi arogozin,
currently we do not offer direct support in the forum. However, you are welcome to contact us via our service channels: Dein Kontakt zu Vodafone - Vodafone Community.
Many Greetings