am 07.11.2021 15:34
Greetings to you,
I have got a problem with Port forwarding by ch7466ce modem. you would please refer to attached file (Screen Shot).
When I use the modem port forwarding, it shows me IPv6, which means it is not IP4. How can I do port forwarding to IP4 with my modem? please guide me.
CH7466CE Wireless Voice Gateway
Firmware version
Thank you very much indeed.
Best regards,
am 07.11.2021 15:52
with DS Lite you have no public IPv4 address and therefore no portforwarding is possible
am 07.11.2021 16:42
Thank you very much for you information.
But it is very important to me to use port forwarding. Have you got any solutions please?
Best regards,
am 07.11.2021 17:02
you could use your own router and switch the Compal into bridge mode
am 07.11.2021 17:06
Your contract is using DualStack-Lite only - and as there is no public IPv4 address included in your contract, there is no possibility with your contract to use IPv4 portforwardings. This is explicitly stated in the written description of your contract (-> "Leistungsbeschreibung") - and there is also an explicit statement that this means that you won't be able to access your network from outside using IPv4.
Either you move on using IPv6 -or- you will need to switch to a contract that includes IPv4 - obviously for a higher price.
am 07.11.2021 17:18
@reneromann schrieb:there is no possibility with your contract to use IPv4 portforwardings.
again @reneromann, this is not true !
am 07.11.2021 17:31
a short enable of the Bridge-Mode and disableing afterwards is also sufficient. The cable router gets a public IPv4 adress and will keep them due a bug in the used systems of Vodafone 😉
am 07.11.2021 19:31
@RobertP schrieb:
@reneromann schrieb:
there is no possibility with your contract to use IPv4 portforwardings.
again @reneromann, this is not true !
And again, I say to you that this is the only contractual way. Any other steps - neither the bridge mode nor using a private cable modem - guarantee you to get a public IPv4 on long term. That may work now, but there's no guarantee at all that this will work for longer times nor that it'll work forever.
And you know this - even though you preserve to tell everyone that this isn't true and that solutions like BridgeMode or private devices would help for all times.
By the way - speakting of private devices: Especially within VF West area, private devices aren't handled in any other way as loan devices - so that if your contract runs on DS Lite, you are not able to switch to any other operations mode than DS Lite even if you use a private device.