am 01.12.2024 17:08
Good morning,
I need help with an application that I sent last week and I have not been contacted yet.
Last week I sent the document (Vertragsübernahme für Vodafone Festnetz for my flatmate to take over the internet contract. However, she has not been contacted yet. I am moving out of the flat at the end of december and out of Germany and both she and I want to get this done as soon as possible.
Vodafone sent me an email confirming that they have received the document with an id but they have not yet contacted her to confirm whether or not she is taking over the contract and to finalise the process.
Attaching the Case Id regarding the contract take over. (Id:0006DaKM3AH0PHD)
Thanks a lot
am 02.12.2024 11:56
Hello @MarcMN,
please contact our customer service via these contact channels.
My friends will help.
BR J0hann
am 02.12.2024 12:28
Hello Johann
I just created the ticket trough the contact channel you provided.
It would be great if we can solve this asap as I am leaving 23th munich and my flatmate and I would love to have this solved.
Thanks a lot in advance
am 03.12.2024 10:33
Good morning
Hope everything is well,
Yesterday I contacted support after creating a ticket and he told me that he was going to send an email with the summary to my flatmate so that she would accept my vodafone contract. However nothing has arrived and we are still waiting.
Would it be possible for you to see if something has happened, maybe with her email or something? I have created another ticket to ask if everything is ok as he assured me that he was going to send it the same day because he already had it done.
In any case I can resend the email of my flatmate to confirm that the summary of the contract has arrived correctly.
Thanks a lot
am 04.12.2024 12:17
Hello MarcMN,
We here in the Community do not have access to customer data. Can you please contact us again via WhatsApp?
Best regards