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I have received my Willkommensbrief for a DSL connection, which contains the Internet-Zugang Benutzername, however for the Passwort there is just "XXXXXXXX".
I need the password to enter in my DSL router (it is old and does NOT work with Modeminstallationscode, MIC).
Can somebody send these data, for example an updated Willkommensbrief -- into the Dokumenten section of my contract?
My Kundenummer is: XXXXXXXXXX
Thanks for help,
Customer data removed. Greetings Denny
am 03.09.2024 11:24
Hello @susmijor ,
Which router would you like to use?
If the router is so old that it cannot use MIC, it may not even work on the DSL connection.
Kind regards
am 03.09.2024 21:48
Hi Denny,
It is an old Telekom router, I have been using it with Vodafone two years ago on the same line.
Back then, my Willkommensletter had both username and password. Now I got only the username, and "XXXXXXXX" for password.
I have the DSL connection established, IP assigned and successfully ping the gateway but receive no data because of the wrong password.
If you know whether I can use my MIC on some Vodafone webpage to get the login/password, I'll appreciate this info.
Or is there any other way I can get this info? Shouldn't be difficult, it's the access information for the internet I am paying for.
Thanks for your answer,
am 04.09.2024 11:42
Hi @susmijor,
Thank you very much for your feedback. 🌞
We will be happy to help you clarify the situation and get your box moving together. But for this we need your customer data, which we unfortunately do not have access to here. Please use one of the following options to contact us. We will find a solution for you together.
Kind regards