DSL Help Needed - Berlin

Hey There, 


Hope someone in here can help on this. 


I recently upgraded my Internet from 16 gb to 100 gb, and using an old FritzBox 7362 SL - I factory resetted my modem couple of times and finalize setup by using my username and DSL access password I got from meine Vodafone panel. ( I lost my email regarding connection and used the one I got from dashboard) 

I can connect wifi, reach my Fritzbox Dashboard, but whenever I try to open sth I got 691 Error ( Password or Username False). 

Is there anything I can do? 

Thanks ! 

1 Antwort 1

Hello Mert5 :).

Unfortunately, we can no longer provide individual support here via the forum, as we cannot request any data.


Please contact us via one of the other channels. (e.g. via Facebook / Twitter by direct message).


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