




DSL Contract Termination due to Moving Abroad Permanently

Hello. Context: I must terminate my contract before the last cancellation date, as I will be moving abroad from Germany permanently in two days (April 28, 2021). In addition and to clarify, my new home is not covered by the Vodafone DSL service. So, following some indications found over the Internet, I sent a request the last Thursday 2021.04.22 using this form:

MeinVodafone -> Mein Tarif -> Under "Komfort-Anschluss" I've clicked on "Anschluss kündigen" -> filled the form with the evidence "Abmeldung" -> Sent the form with the detailed indications.

After this, an automatic email response was received with the following subject: "Kundendaten & Vertrag - Kündigung - Vodafone Dialog ID: [16628614001]" indicating that Vodafone will get back to me with the request revision as soon as possible. So, I can notice that the ID for my request is 16628614001.


The problem: I will travel abroad the country in two days and I haven't received any response or confirmation. So I'm not sure what to do with the router device (I have it ready for sending via certified mail service). Where should I send it? To which address? My request for termination was made accordingly to the procedure for April 2021?


In addition, I've been looking over the forum and I found a post link where some administrators/moderators in 2018 tried to explain step by step how to send the DSL termination request. But is not completely clear. For example, is indicated that I should fill a form using this URL. But when I click to this link is only appearing one screen without any form, just two options "Zu MeinVodafone" and "Vertrag hinzufügen". And the screenshots shown in the post are not related to this UI.


Finally, I would like to add FYI that the last-minute request for termination was made because the Abmeldung request (proof/evidence required for termination) was only possible (for my case) the last week before leaving the country. I have clear that I must pay for three additional months of DSL service after leaving the country or the request for termination is received.


I will appreciate any help from any of you.

Any detailed information, please let me know.

Thank you in advance.


Alvaro Lopez

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hi alanlop,


the links that you have posted are about cable congtracts.


You have opened your thread in our DSL baord.


so what kind of conneciton are you using? DSL or cable?


if it's DSL, you can send me a private message with your name, customer number, customer password and the exact date, when you are leaving Germany.


If you are using cable, please tell me here. I will then move your thread into the correct board.




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Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen

3 Antworten 3

Hi alanlop,


the links that you have posted are about cable congtracts.


You have opened your thread in our DSL baord.


so what kind of conneciton are you using? DSL or cable?


if it's DSL, you can send me a private message with your name, customer number, customer password and the exact date, when you are leaving Germany.


If you are using cable, please tell me here. I will then move your thread into the correct board.




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Dear team,


I am having a similar problem as the original user. I am trying to cancel my DSL contract as I am moving tomorrow. I have tried the links which also show me nothing, I have also sent an email to 

kundenservice at unitymedia.de 

 as per the advice of Vodafone staff memebers in your store, but I am still no closer to finding an answer. I have even sent a request to colleagues via your contact form but nothing. I finally also tried posting in the community and was given differing advice. 

Is there anyone I can converse with using email to help me do this?





@Faz Since you still do not write which technology you are using exactly and therefore your own thread has already been closed, I will also close this one here as the TE has not contacted here again. Please limit yourself to one contact channel, you have already sent a message using the contact form.