WiFi router does not work well (speed is low, issues with packet fragmentation)



I am having issues with the current WiFi router. It disconnects often, we have to keep restarting it and lately there has been issues with my company VPN (apparently possibly because of packet fragmentation).


I use Google WIFI, but currently don't have the possibility to put the router into bridge mode (as it is a model that is too old I expect).


Is there a possibility to exchange the router for a newer model and fix my issues that way?


The current router version is: Compal CH7466CE.


Sincerely, Matjaz

6 Antworten 6

Hello Matjaz,


Whether the cable router needs to be replaced will be shown in the further course of this article.


Are the devices connected via LAN or W-LAN? How does the router behave if the connection breaks down?


What speeds do you measure on your end devices?


Have you ever reset the cable router to the factory settings?


Best regards, Martinm

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The router has only one connection through LAN, that connects to the Google WiFi router. The speed test can yield different results:

For the 25th of September, the following results  were available:

369 Mbps up, 7.8 Mbps down

0.2 Mbps up, 0.4 Mbps down

0.4 Mbps up, 0.7 Mbps down

8.6 Mbps up, 1.7 Mbps down


I can provide additional tests as needed.


I have reset the cable router to default settings once, as I had forgotten the password for it.


One of the issues I face is also: when I connect to my company VPN, the speed of my connection goes from the usual of 250 Mbps down and 20 Mbps up to 40 kbps down and 40 kbps up. This might be connected to packet fragmentation, but there is no difference between speeds once I switch to mobile tethering (or the difference is less than 10%).


I was hoping to be able to set the cable router to bridge mode (as I prefer to use my own router), but that is impossible with the current device.


Thank you very much for your help and support,






Hi Matjaz,


sure, you ca enable the bridgemode via the customer-portal.

I will check your connection.


Please send me your name, address and customer number by PN. Please also let me know here if you have sent the message.


Kind regards


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Hi Matjaz,


the values seem to be good. I activated the bridgemode for you. Please prove it again.


Kind regards


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Hello pRo-Marco,


Thanks for the help, after the changes, the speed is much more stable. There are still random restarts (the internet icon starts quickly flashing), but I don't expect those are connected to the modem itself. Is there something else I can do about that, or is it just something I have to live with?






Hi Matjaz,


the question is, whether the connection between device an router drops or the connection between router an modem. Can you have a look into the logs of your router?

Kind regards


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