No Internet (keine Internet) + possible support in English?



Since 18.08.2019 at 1-2 PM my Internet and phone connection are gone. 


I tried the 2 following steps.

Step 1: 

- The message says reconnect the DSL cable but the  DSL cable is correctly connected

- The message said "Push the button reconnect to restore the connection" or something like this. I clicked but nothing changed


Step 2: I tried a reset of the router to make the full activation process. But the activation process is stuck at the point where the screen asks to plug the DSL cable in the right place but it is already there. I tried in and out, still the same. Sometimes, the screen says "trying to connect to Vodafone network". No success


The only green light in the modem is WLAN, the other ones are switched off (MOBIL Telefon Internet)


Here are the details

  • Which contract do you have? (eg internet + telephone 100) : RED INTERNET AND PHONE 100 DSL
  • Which modem / router do you use? (eg Hitron) : EASYBOX 804
  • Do you use a loan device from us or do you have your own device ? : LOAN DEVICE
  • Which error occurs? (Speed ​​too low, Packetloss) Also send screenshots of speed tests (with date and time) and Tracerts / Pingplotter measurements at Packetloss or Ping problems: ALREADY DESCRIBED UP
  • How is your terminal with the modem connected ? ( LAN, WLAN, additional router, PowerLAN 😞 I tried with LAN, WLAN, always the same 
  • Which browser do you normally use? (eg Firefox): GOOGLE CHROME
  • Which operating system do you have on your computer? (eg Windows) WINDOWS 10
  • Beginning and period of the disturbance  (eg: since the beginning of April, only in the evening) 18.08.2019 around 1 PM in the afternoon
  • To do this, upload a screenshot of the signal values . You can find this in the user interface of your cable router via or via in the Fritzbox.
  • What measures were carried out by the fault hotline (available at 0800-5266625)?

IT was not possible due to my poor German to correctly communicate with the hotline


Edit: @Volaristo Move Thread from Cable to DSL. Best Regards, Sebastian

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

The problem is solved. Suddenly, it was possible to activate the line and now the connection is fully back. I guess there was a technical issue on the network.

Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen

3 Antworten 3

Could an English speaking technician allow me to send him or her or necessary details? Orally with the hotline I am definitely not able to understand German  (although I can explain) so we stopped the conversations.

The problem is solved. Suddenly, it was possible to activate the line and now the connection is fully back. I guess there was a technical issue on the network.


Hi Volaristo,


I'm happy that you can use your DSL connection again.


I will close this thread.




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