am 13.11.2018 19:16 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 14.11.2018 14:49 von Jens-K
I'm new customer and yersterday morning I had technicker visit who connected my modem. But modem cannot be activated. During activation process (on 2-nd step) I input my InstallationCode and after 5 minutes I get message "Session Expired".
I've checked in my personal account on It says that service is activated yesterday and I can use it.
I've got into Modem admin UI. It says that there's no connection between Modem => Wodafone. It cannot get access to any DHCP or DNS servers. So it cannot get IP address. Internet LED on device is pulsing green and first activation step (when Modem checks general DSL connection) passes successfully.
Seems like connection problem between my hause and Vodafone network.
Please help as I haven't found any phone nubmer where to call in such cases.
Thank in advance.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 14.11.2018 15:32
Hi, Jens-K
I've found number of technical support. Already contacted them today. They already gave me guidelines what to do.
Thank you.
14.11.2018 14:51 - bearbeitet 14.11.2018 16:57
Hi Alex_Tar,
welcome to the Vodafone Community!
Did you contact us and opened a technical ticket already?
If not, you can send me a private message by clicking my avatar -> Diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht senden
I need your name, customer number and mobile phone number.
am 14.11.2018 15:32
Hi, Jens-K
I've found number of technical support. Already contacted them today. They already gave me guidelines what to do.
Thank you.
am 14.11.2018 16:41
Hi Alex_Tar,
thanks for your reply.
I'm glad my colleagues could help you here.
Since you have marked your thread as "solved", I'm closing it.