Internet drops randomly many times a day

Hello Vodafone,

My Internet has been dropping randomly many times a day.  This has been happening since June. I'll appreciate if you could solve this problem for me, since your support hotline cannot speak English.  I've attached the screenshots I took from the router homepage. I'll provide the information about my contract if required.

  • My contract is eazy50 flex (Unitymedia)
  • Router: Connect Box (provided by your company)
  • OS: Windows 10 / Browser: Opera

Best regards,

Opera Snapshot_2020-07-18_023547_192.168.0.1.pngOpera Snapshot_2020-07-18_023718_192.168.0.1.pngOpera Snapshot_2020-07-18_023801_192.168.0.1.pngOpera Snapshot_2020-07-18_023817_192.168.0.1.pngOpera Snapshot_2020-07-18_023846_192.168.0.1.pngOpera Snapshot_2020-07-18_023923_192.168.0.1.pngOpera Snapshot_2020-07-18_024454_192.168.0.1.png

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