am 16.03.2018 17:36
I have 804 for my wireless DSL connection. The internet is not working since yesterday.
Unfortunately the customer care only provides support in German. I have attempted resetting the router. So I tried disconnecting the wires and connecting it back. But did not resolve the issue. Can someone please help. any technical support via english would be great help.
am 17.03.2018 18:40
Hi Balaji82,
welcome to the Vodafone Community!
Did you check if your connection is affected by a known outage? You can check it HERE.
If you don't receive any info there, send me a private message. Click on my avatar -> Diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht senden.
I need your name, your customer number and a mobile phone number so we can call you back.
Also I need to know which LED shines or blinks on your modem. You can activate the EasyBox LEDs by touching the modem at the top.