am 30.03.2020 09:55
When I made the connection the sales representative of Vodafone told me that "in you move to a new address and the same connection can't be applied, we will stop the contract with no extra charge, no 3-month payment, etc. "
Now I moved to a new address at Berlin and the same internet can't be used here.
I visit the shop and he told me that "I have to pay the 3 months charge" I visit another shop and I got the same response. I called your hotline support and I got the same response.
This is not fair for me as a customer, I made this connection under the promise that I will not be changed if the connection can't be transferred to my new address, and now Vodafone denies this service and asked me for an extra charge.
I want to cancel this connection as I was promised by Vodafone the day I made the contract.
First I need to cancel the connection, I keep sending emails but I get no reply for almost a month now.
Looking forward to hearing from you
am 02.04.2020 12:35
Hi Cancelation,
welcome to the Vodafone community.
I'm sorry that you apparently got a wrong information. When you move to another address and we can't provide you the same bandwidth than before, you have the right to cancel your contract with a special permission, that's correct. But in this case, we have the right to charge 3 further months, because the contract is not kept by you.
If we can provide you another bandwidth at the new address, your contract can move with you.
am 15.06.2020 09:48
I cancel my contract I send the router device back to Vodafone and I keep getting charged, I call the support and A) one operator pass me to the next B) No English support C) IT'S A NIGHTMARE
am 16.06.2020 10:16
Hi @Cancelation ,
I'm sorry you're having trouble with the termination.
Please send me a PN with your customer number, the name of the contract holder, the address and date of birth, if it is about DSL. Otherwise please write in your thread if it is about cable.
Best regards,