am 16.07.2018 19:29 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 16.07.2018 19:43 von Stephan
I have several times per day my connection going down on my router. WIFI seems ok, because I have normally over 60/70 Mgb, but on cable, it is crashing down to 10/15Mgb, and sometimes the router is loosing all signal. I need to restart it, and then it goes again on low speed...
What can I do?
Vodafone Support was not able to give me technical support in English...
EDIT: @JoaoRodrigues moves to cable board
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 25.07.2018 09:57
Hello, Joao Rodrigues,
thanks for the feedback. I'll have it checked within that time frame.
Greeting Fred
am 02.08.2018 14:54
Dear Support
No feedback since a long time. And problem remains.
I am not able to get any support from Technical Support Line, since they do not have any English Speaking technician.
Please let me know how I can get my problem solved.
am 03.08.2018 20:54
Hi Joao,
so, you got just download problems, or also upload problems? So the main reason why i ask: as Fred already mentioned its like a glitch on the way back, but this problem should occure only on upload, not on download things. Worst-case scenario: we can send over a technician to check the connection 🙂
am 06.08.2018 09:11
Dear Tobias,
As you mention, I only face issues on download, and more relevant after 19h30 until 22h30/23h00.
In case a technician needs to go to may place, then this is OK, let us find an appointment, but it would be good to have it after 19h30, when the problem is more relevant.
am 08.08.2018 12:38
Hey @JoaoRodrigues,
well, our technicians could only use appointments till 20;00 😕 So, i didnt see any malfunction on downloadthings, probably the technician should check that. Is an appointment before 20:00 okay?
am 09.08.2018 10:49
Hi Tobias
Normally this get's bad after 19h30, and I am afraid that the error will not be visible before 20h00.
But we need to try.
am 11.08.2018 15:10
Hey @JoaoRodrigues,
the technician will contact you to arrange an appointment. Give me a feedback after that 🙂
am 13.08.2018 18:14
Dear Tobias
Thanks for the follow up.
I will let you know.
Can you please try to manage that the technician has some English skilss, so that I can easily communicate.
Joao Rodrigues
am 16.08.2018 16:02
Hello Joao,
the technician has solved the problem. It's now all ok?
am 16.08.2018 16:06
Hello Jens,
I was about to give you the status update.
In fact the technician was changing a damaged part in the building, but I am still facing the same issue after 19h30.
I do not know if there is any issue with the quantity of people getting in line at the same time in my area, but I loose too many bandwidth from that moment on.
After 23h00, more or less, all comes to be stable and all is working fine.