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Question about change in tariff

Hi, I have been told to create a new thread here to ask about my contract in English. I am trying to change my cellular mobile contract to prepaid kind- does this mean I have to request for termination of the current contract in order to do prepaid kind? I am having difficulty navigating through Vodafone app on my phone as it's all in German. 





Edit @Shle  by Matthes (Mod): please pay attention to choose the correct board selection, moved from "Internet, Telefon & TV über Kabel"

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hi, I would like to see if it is possible to change my current cellular tariff(Vodafone Young 2017) into prepaid kind- I kept trying to log into MeinVodafone on my phone but I keep on failing due to multiple failed password attempts.

Unfortunately, I cannot remember the customer password but I remember the internet password- is there a way to change tariff on the website or do I have to request for termination of contract? 


Thanks in advance! 


*** @Shle, please don't start double threads. Stay in your current thread please. You already got an answer by @DanyG. ***

Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen

3 Antworten 3

Hi Shle,


yes, that's correct. You can order a change into CallYa when your contract is terminated. The changes will be made one day after your contract ends.


Therefore, you can use our contact form and tell us you want your phone number as a CallYa card after termination.




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Hi, I would like to see if it is possible to change my current cellular tariff(Vodafone Young 2017) into prepaid kind- I kept trying to log into MeinVodafone on my phone but I keep on failing due to multiple failed password attempts.

Unfortunately, I cannot remember the customer password but I remember the internet password- is there a way to change tariff on the website or do I have to request for termination of contract? 


Thanks in advance! 


*** @Shle, please don't start double threads. Stay in your current thread please. You already got an answer by @DanyG. ***

Hi Shle,


let me check this for you.


Please contact me via PN with your mobile number and plaease add the link of this thread here as well.


Kind regards



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