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Contract termination


(This question is intended to Vodafone staff.)


My Vodafone contract seems to still be active while I have done the proper steps to deactivate it.


Please help,


Thank you,


1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello _Karl_,


I canceled your contract under the Telecommunications Act. You will receive a confirmation of termination. You can find it in your customer portal under "Documents". 

Do you still have questions?

Best regards

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8 Antworten 8

Hi _Karl_,


what were those steps you were taking? It would be correct to send in the cancellation, receive a confirmation, wait until the cancellation date is reached, contract terminated.


Best regards



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Thank you for your answer, much appreciated,


So, before leaving Germany in August, I went to my local Vodafone shop and gave the clerk a "Abmeldung" print from the "Bügerbüro", as requested by him, to show that I moved out and no longer need Vodafone services. (That was to complete the "Kündigung".) He then faxed the document to Vodafone headquarters and told me I was to receive an e-mail confirming the termination of my contract in the following days.


However, I never received this e-mail and Vodafone kept debiting from my account during the following months. So, I figured I would use the Vodafone app the do the "Kündigung", which I did. However, I then received an e-mail stating that my contract would end in 2 years time, which is, of course, problematic.


Afterwards, I got in touch with the customer service which told me to post my problem here, and here I am, trying to confirm the termination of my contract with the Vodafone staff, as the general community surely does not have access to my file.


Thank you,




Hi _Karl_,


thanks for the description. So you want a special termination for the contract? I am afraid that there is no fundamental right of special termination for moving abroad. Not for mobile phone contracts. These contracts can only be cancelled by default, to the end of the regular term.


I can check for you whether the regular cancellation is set up. Send me a PN with the affected phone number and the customer password.


Best regards


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Hello _Karl_,

I'll take care of your cable contract. Please send me a private message with your new address and moving date. Then let me know here in the thread as soon as you have sent me the data and I'll take a closer look at the whole thing.


Best regards


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Hello _Karl_,

thanks for the paperwork. Please send me your new address by private message. You forgot to send it along. Subsequently, announce yourself again here in the thread.

Best regards

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As requested, here I am, flesh and bone.


Thank you,




Hello _Karl_,


I'm sorry if I expressed myself a little unhappy. I mean your new home address. Write me this still by private message.

Best regards

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Hello _Karl_,


I canceled your contract under the Telecommunications Act. You will receive a confirmation of termination. You can find it in your customer portal under "Documents". 

Do you still have questions?

Best regards

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