cancellation of cable contract
To whom it may concern,

I am leaving Germany permanently due to end of my working contract. I kindly request you to terminate my cable contract (Red Internet & Phone 32 Cable) on 25.09.2018. Please send me further instruction on how to terminate my contract properly. Thanks!
5 Antworten 5

First thing:

You need to send a written cancellation to Vodafone - either using the "regular" postal services -or- using the contact form inside the customer center. Having only a thread here inside the Forum is not enough!

Best thing is that you write the cancellation in German - as German is the only contractual language and a cancellation written in English might be refused depending on the agent that is processing it. If you are unsure, you might ask a collegue or friend to help you writing the cancellation.


Second thing:

You need to pass the so called "Abmeldung" to Vodafone.


And then:

You have to send back all the devices - Vodafone will send you a confirmation together with the details where to send the devices back.


And the last thing:

Even if your contract is cancelled, you have to pay for additional 3 months as required by the telecommunications act.



Thanks for your swift reply! I tried the contact form online, but only got an email telling me to post here. I really appreciate if you could provide more details.

1) Where to send the written letter? What information is required on this letter? What other documents are required to pass the "Abmeldung"?

2) For the additional three months I pay, do I still get internet service?


Thanks again!


Hi plw0315,


welcome to our Community.


If you already contacted the customer service via form, I can have a look for you. Please send me a private message with the following information:


your name

your address

your customer number

the link of this thread


Please reply here when you have sent the private message.




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Hi Stephan,


I just sent you the required information via private message. Thanks!


Hi plw0315,


thanks for the pm.


With the letter you have already sent us, I have now processed the cancellation of your contract. You will receive the confirmation within the next days by mail.




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