




Termination of Internet cable contract


I have an internet cable contract sine November 2018 and It is valid until end of October 2020. By the end of January I moved out and staying in temporary accomdation where I do not need an internet connection. I have been already paying for the internet connection for Febraraury and March and I am not using it. 
I would like to cancel my contract. Can you please advice ?



1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Very simple: Write the cancellation notice in German and request the cancellation to the end of the contractual term. You can either use regular mail to send it to the Erfurt postal address -or- you can use the contact form on your Cable self-service portal.


Next thing: Moving might be a reason for a premature cancellation, but only if the contract cannot be fulfilled as  agreed upon, e.g. if your speed cannot be reached at the new location. It does not matter if there is already another line available or not - it only matters if your contract can technically be fulfilled. In either way, you'll need to provide your new address to Vodafone and ask for a relocation of the service (as you are not allowed to especially use the telephony service at another location than contractually agreed upon due to law requirements). In the case the contract cannot be fulfilled at your new (current) location, the contract can be cancelled prematurely with a 3 months notice period starting by the movement date but the earliest by the date you send the relocation request. So in your case, even if the contract cannot be fulfilled at your new address, the 3 months will the earliest start by the moment that your cancellation/relocation request including official proof is received by Vodafone - and you'll have to pay for 3 additional moths from that day on (so at least until mid of June in case you'd request the relocation/cancellation right now).

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3 Antworten 3

Very simple: Write the cancellation notice in German and request the cancellation to the end of the contractual term. You can either use regular mail to send it to the Erfurt postal address -or- you can use the contact form on your Cable self-service portal.


Next thing: Moving might be a reason for a premature cancellation, but only if the contract cannot be fulfilled as  agreed upon, e.g. if your speed cannot be reached at the new location. It does not matter if there is already another line available or not - it only matters if your contract can technically be fulfilled. In either way, you'll need to provide your new address to Vodafone and ask for a relocation of the service (as you are not allowed to especially use the telephony service at another location than contractually agreed upon due to law requirements). In the case the contract cannot be fulfilled at your new (current) location, the contract can be cancelled prematurely with a 3 months notice period starting by the movement date but the earliest by the date you send the relocation request. So in your case, even if the contract cannot be fulfilled at your new address, the 3 months will the earliest start by the moment that your cancellation/relocation request including official proof is received by Vodafone - and you'll have to pay for 3 additional moths from that day on (so at least until mid of June in case you'd request the relocation/cancellation right now).

Hi, thanks for the information but I do not have a new address, at the moment I am staying with a friend until I find new flat. Can I send a confirmation from my previouse landlord that I do not live there anymore ?



I'm afraid the confirmation of the landlord is not enough as long as you have no official documentation that you did move. Please also keep in mind that you are required by law to inform officials about movements in time - so that they know how to reach you in the case it is required...