Need apartment checked before move in

I am moving into a new apartment in the same building within the next 2 months (timeframe is uncertain, due to different issues). The apartment is empty, and the previous tenant most likely did not have high speed internet and Kabel Vodafone installed while he lived there.

I already have keys and access to the apartment, and permission to have service personnel into the apartment to make sure it is ready.

Is it possible for a technician to come and make sure the apartment is properly wired so that I can just move my current router and TV connections to the apartment when the move date is established?



Edit: @LarryS3d moved in to the right board

1 Antwort 1

Hi LarryS3d,


a technician is not sent in advance. We can check the address and see if the connection is possible. Everything else will be done with the notification of the move




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