am 25.02.2020 17:12 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 04.03.2020 17:23 von Mav1976
Hello, I am leaving Germany and need to cancel my phone and home internet contracts. I have all of my documents ready but I do not know where to send them. I only speak English. Please help me to cancel my contract.
Many thanks
*** @AAG1, thread moved from DSL to cable. ***
am 25.02.2020 18:16
am 04.03.2020 13:00
Hello there, I have a contract for mobile and another for my cable-router. I got them together with a combination deal. I left Germany on Friday 28th of Feb this year (last week). I have my Abmeldung and am hoping to cancel the contract over the internet.
Thanks so much for any help
am 04.03.2020 16:44
Sorry, forot to tag you above @Mav1976
am 04.03.2020 17:35
Hi @AAG1,
Have a look into that thread. There are some advices. You can send your termination with all your documents via contact form or you wait of a moderator.
The mobile phone contract is a little bit tricky because there isn't a really special termination right. Many providers consider that you can use your mobile phone contract everywhere. But I suggest you also be patient waiting of a moderator.
am 04.03.2020 19:18
@Mav1976 Thanks so much!