am 04.05.2018 19:47
I am leaving Germany and I sent vodafone my "Kündigung" of he Kabel (internet) contract - they responded that they can't help me. I wrote:
I am spontaneously moving away from Germany, back to Sweden. I am herby cancelling all my Vodafone contracts to the soonest possible date under the "Sonderkündigungsrecht".
My new adress is in Sweden and I attached my renting contract.
The response was to ask here in the comunity... Very strange! What did I do wrong?
thanks! Elin
am 04.05.2018 23:32
@elin@ schrieb:
What did I do wrong?
It might be the simple fact that you wrote your Letter of Cancellation in English...
Contractual Language is German, so your letter of cancellation should also be in German...
By the way: There is no "Sonderkündigungsrecht" - what you mean is the right to prematurely end the contract 3 months after moving according to § 46b No. 8 TKG (Telecommunications act).
The easiest way is if you wait until a Moderator is having a look at this thread - please be patient as this might take some time.
am 05.05.2018 08:35
Hello Elin,
welcome to our community. Nice to see you.
Send me the following informations in a private message:
full name
customer number
confirmation of deregistration
date of the move
Write a short reply here afterwards.
Kind regards
am 05.05.2018 11:19
@reneromann schrieb: By the way: There is no "Sonderkündigungsrecht" - what you mean is the right to prematurely end the contract 3 months after moving according to § 46b No. 8 TKG (Telecommunications act).
Klugscheißermodus an: Und genau das, was das TKG an dieser Stelle schreibt (§ 46 Abs. 8 Satz 3 TKG) ist ein Sonderkündigungsrecht bzw. außerordentliches bzw. fristloses Kündigungsrecht. Diese drei Bezeichnungen bezeichnen ein und dieselbe Sache: Die Möglichkeit, einen Vertrag zu einem anderem Zeitpunkt zu beenden, als vertraglich festgelegt ist. Ein solches Recht kann vertraglich vereinbart, oder wie hier durch Gesetz eingeräumt werden.ßerordentliche_Kündigung
Klugscheißermodus aus