- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Dear Team,
Sorry my german is not good.
I have issues with my contracts. I have three customer number
1. xxx (i know this contract is cancelled but i am still accessing this account)
2. xxx
3. xxx
I tried to contact the customer care, unfortunately I am unable to resolve my issue.
As if now i am using only one line, 100 Internet and Telephone.
Can you please help me out. The problem is now i am changing my city
Thank you in advance.
Edit: Kundennummer aus Datenschutzgründen gelöscht
08.08.2018 16:43 - bearbeitet 09.08.2018 14:31
Hello Contract_Issue3,
so you're moving. Unfortunately, that's all I could read out. What's your problem exactly?
Did you report the move? Can the new address be provided? Explain it a little more precisely.
am 09.08.2018 09:53
Hello Grit,
Thank you very much for your reply. My exact problem is day before yesterday i came to know there are three contracts on my name. I dont know why.. But in my home only one contact one internet line. After seeing multiple monthly charges from vodaone on my bank account, i have contacted Vodafone customer service. They said there are 2 contracts are running on my name. When i login with email ID there comes 3rd contract number. Totally confused. Then they asked to me to write email.
Now I have to move another city, I dont know which contract i should transfer and which contract is should cancel.
Thank you in advance.
am 09.08.2018 14:32
Hello Contract_Issue3,
so you move and the contracts all have to go first when the connection is available. When are you moving and have you checked if cables are available at the new address?
I would like to see what contracts you have and what the new address is like. Send me a private message with your name, the old address, the new address, the customer number, the moving date and the link to your thread. Then contact us here again.
am 10.08.2018 21:39
Hello Grit,
Thank you very much fo your time and support.
Can you please guide me how to send private message to you. sorry to disturb you, but i tried and unfortunatley i couldnt find the way to send private mesage to you.
Thank you in advance.
am 13.08.2018 10:29
Hello Sankar,
you need to go to my profile, which I linked to in my last answer. There you click on "Send this user a private message".
am 13.08.2018 10:58
Thank you Grit,
I have sent all the details. Looking for your postive reply.
am 14.08.2018 09:36
Hello Sankar,
there are 2 contracts, one under *** 126 (since May 2018) and one under ***652 (since April 2018). There is no longer a contract under the customer number ***506. It is not possible for me to terminate either contract now.
Unfortunately the new address cannot be supplied with cable, so that you cannot take your contracts with you. here only the cancellation remains. I can set this for both contracts at maturity. As soon as you have provided proof of the move (re-registration), this cancellation can be adapted to the Telecommunications Act (move + 3 months). I'll be glad to help you.
am 14.08.2018 09:51
Morning Grit.
Thank you very much for your effort.
I dont know why i have two contract for one connection. Can you able to cancel one contract and will iget reimbursed for what i paid.
Regarding actual contract, i will provide my re-registragtion once it is done. or i can ask new renter to take over my contract. But again i dont which one is my actual contact, that i can ask my new renter to take over.
Thank you again for your time and support.
am 14.08.2018 13:02
Hello Sankar,
i don't know either. What is certain is that I cannot terminate a contract beforehand and certainly cannot reimburse the costs.
No, a contract transfer by a new tenant is not possible. You have to go through the normal process "Relocation is unsupplied area".
Should I cancel the contracts now at the end of the term? The adjustment of the notice can be made if you have the proof. We can do that here in the forum.